Friday, June 11, 2010

Poor man's royalty

A1 Steakhouse XT Burger
Originally uploaded by jaceman4
Incidentally, I went to the Burger King in Castle Rock on my way back from Portland (yes across the street from the gas station) not because it was intentional on my part, but rather, it was the most expedient place to eat. I found out actually, that Exit 49 is one of the exits for the 504 which takes you to Mt. St. Helen's which my dad and I decided to "stop by" on the way back.

Anyways, I wasn't really expecting a whole lot when I came here, but I have to say this time I was somewhat pleasantly surprised by the XT burger. The original XT burger really was nothing to talk about, it was bland and unassuming to the point of being not good. Maybe people in Castle Rock just know how to make burgers. Anyways, my impression of this burger ran pretty much into the realms of something I'd slap together super quick at home. The patty doesn't taste awesome, but it's not super processed, it's roughly the equivalent of a decent pre-frozen patty you might purchase for a family BBQ from say like Costco. The bun is your run-of-the-mill French style roll, and the fixings weren't super fresh, but passable. The A1 tastes pretty much like the bottle of A1 Thick 'n Hearty I used to have in my fridge, which I like, but it really isn't something that stands out, and certainly not something worth paying extra money for.

As for the sides, Burger King does get bonus points onion rings free of charge, but not a whole lot as the onion rings aren't superlative by any means, but still, they are onion rings. However, my beef is that the boxes are puny.

Rating of the Burger:
Meat: C+
Bun: B-
Fixings: C
Condiments: B-
Sides: B-
Price: $4-10
Overall rating: C+
Recommended Burger: A1 Steakhouse XT Burger

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